TCBTA – (Tajik Community Based Tourism Association) is a non-profit organization created on the basis of a voluntary association of non-profit and public organizations whose activities are aimed at the development of Community Based Tourism (CBT).

THE MISSION OF TCBTA is to improve the living standards of community members, create jobs, involve women in this process, revive handicrafts, and familiarize tourists with the traditional way of life.

The PURPOSE of the Organization is to promote the institutional development of public organizations and associations in Tajikistan, whose activities are aimed at creating a modern, favorable business environment in the field of Community-Based Tourism (CBT), by:

– improving the framework conditions for doing business in the field of CBT

– improvement of the regulatory legal framework for the existence of business in the field of CBT

– training of competent management and personnel in the field of CBT

– establishing an effective public-private dialogue

– change in the perception of state bodies of the Republic of Tajikistan among entrepreneurs

– organization of interaction and mutual consultations between state bodies of the Republic of Tajikistan and entrepreneurs


– improvement of cooperation between business associations, and representatives of CBT to solve joint problems

– creation of a common information resource in the field of CBT

– “one voice” in the dialogue with the donor community

– Improving the efficiency of business associations and their members

– training and professional retraining of qualified personnel for the governing and executive bodies of business associations, as well as for representatives in the field of CBT

– Improving the level of quality and competitiveness of member services;

– Assistance in creating favorable conditions and raising the interest of members in doing business in the field of CBT;

– Assistance in the implementation of various state and non-state tourism programs

– Protection of the environment and reasonable use of natural resources;

– assistance in establishing business relations between members of the Organization, with partners in the country and abroad.